The Hofmann H-18 is a compact, narrow and manoeuvrable machine used to lay 2-component sprayable cold plastic (CAP). This is one of our premium products and we are proud to be leading the way in cold applied application and technology across the Northern Territory, remote Western Australia and remote Queensland regions.
Cold plastic is a high performance long-life road marking material that has been used extensively throughout Europe in the last two decades and is a rapidly growing first choice for all areas of Roadmarking and Linemarking and can also been seen throughout Australia.
Cold plastic is applied to bituminous or concrete road surface by specific application machinery (H-18) designed to apply the cold plastic in a consistently uniformed manner with various different designs, audio tactile profiles are easy to see and provide an audio tactile effect when driven over by vehicles thus to ensure more safety on our main roads. Cold plastic along with glass beads offer good reflectivity and day and night visibility. They can be applied speedily and cure quickly.
Territory Roadmarking is committed to the safety of all Australians.